Assays of In vitro germination of kiwi pollen 獼猴桃花粉體外萌發(fā)試驗(yàn)碩士

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Assays of In vitro germination of kiwi pollen 獼猴桃花粉體外萌發(fā)試驗(yàn)
Master thesis on Plant Biodiversity and Biotechnology,
Supervised by Professor Dr. Jorge Manuel Pataca Leal Canhoto
Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra
Coimbra, June 2018
導(dǎo)師:Jorge Manuel Pataca Leal Canhoto教授

Kiwi Pollen

▲Kiwi Pollen

I first would like to thank my friend António Santos. Whenever I ran into a blind alley,
you were the one to go in there and steering me in the right direction. After 4 years of helping me get through university, it was also you who were there on the last mile. A thesis might be?hard to complete, but to find a friend like you is a task even harder. A thank you will always
feel short.
I want to thank my teacher Dr. Jorge Canhoto, for all his patience, guidance and help during the development of this work, without whom this work would not be possible.
I want to thank Dr. Sílvia Castro, for her help during the implementation of the field work. Your practical thinking about this project made me see this thesis from another perspective that allowed me to improve my work.
I want to thank my girlfriend Sara for all her patience during the development of this thesis. Work was rough but with you by my side everything was easier.
I want to thank my friends Pedro and Miguel for being a part of my life for so long and for supporting me all the way. Although we are not together as much time as we used to, your friendship is still one of the most important things in my life.
I want to thank all my family for all the support and motivation during all my life and mostly during the last months of this challenge.

Training on Pollination Techniques for Kiwi Orchard

▲Training on Pollination Techniques for Kiwi Orchard

I want to thank my brother, Luis Marques for showing me that with hard work and dedication you can achieve great things in life.
I want to thank my nephew Afonso, for making me want to be a better person so you can be roud of your uncle.
Most importantly I want to thank my mother. Hard work, perseverance, loyalty and courage are the qualities that I most admire about you. For all my life you have been a role model to me and wish I can grow up to be the human being you want me to. Having you as a mom and a best friend is what I am most definitely thankful for. Now that my studies are complete, it will finally be my turn to take care of you.
Thank you all so much for helping me to develop this thesis!

Use of kiwi pollination tools

▲Use of kiwi pollination tools

我要感謝我的老師Jorge Canhoto博士,感謝他在這項(xiàng)工作的發(fā)展過(guò)程中給予的耐心、指導(dǎo)和幫助,沒(méi)有他,這項(xiàng)工作是不可能的。
我要感謝Sílvia Castro博士在實(shí)地工作實(shí)施過(guò)程中給予的幫助。您對(duì)這個(gè)項(xiàng)目的實(shí)際思考讓我從另一個(gè)角度看待這篇論文,從而改進(jìn)了我的工作。

Kiwi pollen processing

▲Kiwi pollen processing

2,4-D - 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
APK – Associa??o Portuguesa de kiwicultura
BAP - 6-Benzylaminopurine
FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization
FAA- Formol Acetic Alcohol
GA3 - Gibberellic acid
IBA - Indole-3-butyric acid
PGRs – Plant growth regulators
PSA - Pseudomonas syringae pv actinidiae


Harvest Sunshine Golden Fruit Kiwi Orchard

▲Harvest Sunshine Golden Fruit Kiwi Orchard


kiwi blossoms that have completed pollination

▲kiwi blossoms that have completed pollination

1. Introduction引言............................................................................................................ 1
2. Material and Methods.材料和方法............................................................................ 9
2.1. Plant material植物材料 ............................................................................................ 9
2.2. Methods 方法.................................................................................................... 10
2.2.1.Pollen germination in stored and fresh pollen儲(chǔ)存和新鮮花粉中的花粉萌發(fā)............................................ 10
2.2.2.Pollen germination in the pistil雌蕊花粉萌發(fā)............................................. 11
2.2.3.Pollen germination in liquid medium花粉在液體培養(yǎng)基中的萌發(fā)。................ 12
2.2.4.Effect of plant growth regulators on pollen germination.植物生長(zhǎng)調(diào)節(jié)劑對(duì)花粉萌發(fā)的影響............................. 14
2.2.5.Effect of thickening agents on pollen germination增稠劑對(duì)花粉萌發(fā)的影響................... 15
2.2.6.Pollen germination using a pollen extender.使用花粉擴(kuò)展器促進(jìn)花粉萌發(fā)...................... 16
2.2.7.Measurement of pollen tube growth.花粉管生長(zhǎng)的測(cè)量........................ 16
2.2.8.Viability of pollen extender花粉填充劑的可行性.......................................... 17
2.2.9.Statistical analysis統(tǒng)計(jì)分析.............................................................. 17
3. Results.結(jié)果.................................................................................................... 18
3.1. Pollen germination in stored and fresh pollen儲(chǔ)存和新鮮花粉中的花粉萌 發(fā)......................................... 18
3.2. Pollen germination in the pistil雌蕊花粉萌發(fā)...................................................... 23
3.3. Pollen germination in liquid medium花粉在液體培養(yǎng)基中的萌發(fā)........................................................ 24
3.4. Effect of plant growth regulators on pollen germination. 植物生長(zhǎng)調(diào)節(jié)劑對(duì)花粉萌發(fā)的影響.............................. 25
3.5. Effect of thickening agents on pollen germination 增稠劑對(duì)花粉萌發(fā)的影響....................... 28
3.6. Pollen extender.花粉擴(kuò)展器......................................................................... 29
3.7. Gradient of growth of pollen tube花粉管生長(zhǎng)梯度................................................... 30
3.8. Viability of pollen extender花粉填充劑的活性............................................................. 31
4. Discussion 討論..................................................................................................... 33
5. Conclusions and future work結(jié)論和今后的工作...................................................... 39
References參考文獻(xiàn).................................................................................................. 40
1. Introduction

Kiwifruit Actinidia deliciosa (A.Chev.) C.F. Liang & A.R.Ferguson is a dioecious fruiting vine indigenous to South-East Asia. The Actinidia culture regarding commercial purpose,
mainly focused on the Hayward cultivar, started in New Zealand during the second quarter of the 20th century (Goodwin et al., 2013). The research funded by the New Zealand’s government and private companied, to enhance the production, led to the name of the fruit commonly called Kiwi due to the name of the bird national icon. It was introduced in Portugal in 1973, more specifically in a small orchard in the city of Vila Nova de Gaia, district of Porto (Martino, 2006). In the first years of the 80's decade, with the arrival of the French Agricultural Expert, Bernard Blanc, who provided the necessary knowledge, the first small orchards with commercial purposes and with high production potential were created (Martino, 2006).The biochemical properties of the fruit, with a high content of vitamin C content (126mg/100g of fresh fruit weight) (Huang et al., 1997), made it popular among consumers as a healthy fruit. Moreover, it shows a new and rich fruitiness reminiscent of an exotic fruit,
as seen in figure 1.
Figure 1. Fruits of the cultivar Hayward. A. Inside aspect of kiwifruit – green with a great
number of seeds. B. Outside aspect of kiwifruit
These characteristics gave kiwi a great relevance at the social point of view and, soon, new kiwi orchards were being created all over the Portuguese territory for commercial purpose.
The creation of cultures in inadequate climatic zones and the lack of knowledge about this species culture lead to the 1993, kiwis market crisis marked by the heavy drop of the kiwi production and market value (Fig. 2, Martino, 2006).

Kiwifruit Actinidia deliciosa(A.Chev.)C.F.Liang和A.R.Ferguson是一種原產(chǎn)于東南亞的雌雄異株的果實(shí)藤蔓植物。獼猴桃文化出于商業(yè)目的,主要關(guān)注20世紀(jì)第二季度在新西蘭開(kāi)始的Hayward品種(Goodwin等人,2013)。這項(xiàng)由新西蘭政府和私營(yíng)公司資助的研究,旨在提高產(chǎn)量,導(dǎo)致這種水果的名字通常被稱為獼猴桃,因?yàn)檫@種鳥(niǎo)是國(guó)家的象征。它于1973年在葡萄牙引入,更具體地說(shuō),是在波爾圖區(qū)Vila Nova de Gaia市的一個(gè)小果園里引入的(Martino,2006)。在80年代的頭幾年,隨著法國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)專家Bernard Blanc的到來(lái),他提供了必要的知識(shí),創(chuàng)造了第一批具有商業(yè)用途和高生產(chǎn)潛力的小型果園(Martino,2006)。水果的生化特性,維生素C含量高(126mg/100g新鮮水果重量)(Huang等人,1997),使其作為健康水果在消費(fèi)者中很受歡迎。此外,它還顯示出一種新的、豐富的果味,讓人聯(lián)想到一種異國(guó)情調(diào)的水果,

The years after the market crash remained at a low production rate until 2000 when the production began to rise again. The consistent research done on this species conditions in order to improve cultures explains how this culture was able to recover its expansion until
today. Despite the problems this culture faced, the kiwi culture is improving and getting a more important role in the Portuguese economy. By analyzing the data from FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) we can understand the difficulties this culture endured through the years. It is easily seen that the culture does not have a regular growth, having gains and losses amongst the years. From 2000 to 2009 the production registered an almost impaired growth, and 2009 recorded the highest yield (Fig. 2).
From 2009 to today, the culture had suffered losses in its yield. The main factor to this decrease in the production is a bacterial disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv.
actinidiae, most commonly called PSA. This pathogen can easily multiply and quickly spread to new areas (Vanneste et al., 2013). This bacterial outbreak can devastate entire cultures
and it is especially hard to control due to the limited number of tools and products available (Vanneste et al., 2013). In 2013, 3 years after the discovery of this disease, in New Zealand,the biggest exporter, around 1400 orchards (52% of New Zealand's total production) have been infected with the PSA bacteria (Vanneste et al., 2013). Besides this disease,unfavorable weather during the pollination season, or disturbances affecting the natural pollinators, can negatively impact the production (Antunes, 2008).
With the goal to make kiwi production more reliable in Portugal the research project I9K, a partnership between the Instituto Pedro Nunes, and research institutions as the Centre for Functional Ecology of the University of Coimbra, producers and other stakeholders,

In the years following the collapse of the 1940/10000 real-time translation market, production remained at a low level until it began to rise again in 2000. In order to improve cultivation, consistent studies on the conditions of this species have explained how this culture has recovered its expansion until today. Despite facing many problems, kiwi culture is improving and playing an increasingly important role in the Portuguese economy. By analyzing data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, we can understand the difficulties that this culture has experienced over the years. It is easy to see that this culture has not experienced regular growth and has had gains and losses over the years. From 2000 to 2009, the growth of production was almost damaged, with the highest production in 2009 (Figure 2). The production of this culture has been declining since 2009 until today. The main factor causing the decrease in production is bacterial diseases caused by Pseudomonas syringae. Actinides, most commonly referred to as PSA. This pathogen easily reproduces and rapidly spreads to new areas (Vanneste et al., 2013). This bacterial outbreak can destroy the entire culture, which is particularly difficult to control due to the limited availability of tools and products (Vanneste et al., 2013). In 2013, three years after the discovery of this disease, approximately 1400 orchards (52% of New Zealand's total production) in the largest exporting country, New Zealand, were infected with PSA bacteria (Vanneste et al., 2013). In addition to this disease, adverse weather during pollination season or interference with natural pollinators can also have a negative impact on yield (Antunes, 2008). In order to make kiwifruit production in Portugal more reliable, Pedro Nunes Institute collaborated with research institutions such as the Center for Functional Ecology at the University of Coimbra, producers, and other stakeholders to carry out the I9K research project,

為了使葡萄牙的獼猴桃生產(chǎn)更加可靠,Pedro Nunes研究所與科英布拉大學(xué)功能生態(tài)學(xué)中心等研究機(jī)構(gòu)、生產(chǎn)者和其他利益相關(guān)者合作開(kāi)展了I9K研究項(xiàng)目,

started this program to implement strategies that can improve the sustainability of the culture. This program is focused in two main problems, one is to develop an easier and faster ways to identify the PSA bacteria on cultures and creating an effective treatment for it, and
the other is to understand pollination and pollen behavior in the field, thus contributing to increase fruit production.
With the support of the scientific research being done around this species, the kiwi culture has the potential to grow even more in the internal Portuguese market and could become a good exportation resource. In 1987, Pyke conducted a research that lead to the
conclusion that fruit weight was correlated with seed number, indicating that high rates of pollination are important to produce bigger fruits since an inadequate quantity or quality of pollen can reduce plant reproductive success (seed quantity or quality) (Ashman et al.,
2004). These conclusions draw a new path for the investigation, which would turn its focus to finding a better understanding on pollination: when it was done, how it was done and how it could be enhanced.
For pollination to be successful it has to happen during a specific period that is called Effective Pollination Period (EPP) (Sanzol & Herrero, 2001). This concept was developed to assess flower receptivity. It is defined as the number of days during which pollination is effective in producing a fruit and it is determined by the longevity of the ovules minus the time lag between pollination and fertilization (Ortega et al., 2004). The EPP has a key role for fruit formation and development and its understanding is crucial to increase productivity
(Gonzalez & Coque,1995). EPP is influenced by 3 main events, namely, stigmatic receptivity, pollen tube kinetics, and ovule longevity (Sanzol & Herrero, 2001). Stigmatic receptivity is the ability of the stigma to allow pollen germination (Sanzol & Herrero, 2001), and it is related to the changes resulting from the maturation of the stigma. The stigmatic receptivity reaches its peak upon stigmatic papilla degeneration which produces secretions considered to be
related to the recognition and hydration processes (Sanzol & Herrero, 2001). As stigmatic maturation proceeds, the degeneration of the stigma cell wall occurs, which is concomitant with the end of the stigmatic receptivity (Sanzol & Herrero, 2001).
Pollen tube kinetics is the relationship between pollen tube growth and pistil. At the beginning of the germination, there are starch reserves along all the style tract (Hopping, 1979). Pollen tube growth is coincident with the disappearing of the starch reserves and
appearance of another secretion, mostly carbohydrates, near the obturator (Herrero et al., 1996). Research carried out to investigate this kinetics showed that the secretion did not disappear in unpollinated flowers while in pollinated flowers the secretion disappeared concomitantly with the growth of the pollen tube (Hopping, 1979). Alongside that, it has been shown that pollen tube growth is not uniform along the style and changes in speed are significant along the different barriers that pollen tube has to overcome (Sanzol & Herrero,

2004). 這些結(jié)論為調(diào)查開(kāi)辟了一條新的道路,將重點(diǎn)轉(zhuǎn)向更好地理解授粉:何時(shí)授粉、如何授粉以及如何增強(qiáng)授粉。

The last event limiting the EPP is the longevity of the ovules. Abnormalities in ovule formation and development are common (Tonutti et al., 1991) and they may happen during ovule formation or even after fertilization (Tonutti et al., 1991). Even when the ovule seems to be formed correctly, its short lifespan is often a limiting factor for fertilization that can be slowed by abiotic or endogenous factors (Postweiler et al., 1985).
In 2013, a study was conducted to better understand the EPP in Actinidia species. On this test, different flowers were hand pollinated from days one to six after its opening. The results showed that the seed number significantly decreased when the flower’s age was four
days old or higher and the highest number of seeds was registered at day 2 of pollination (Goodwin et al., 2013). Having this in mind, it's really important to notice that the anther dehiscence is not always in perfect coordination with the female flower EPP. Therefore, it’s
important that the pollen is adequately transported to the stigma during its prime. Another option to synchronize pollination with EPP is to collect male pollen and apply it on the female flower when the flowering stage is more appropriate (Razeto et al., 2005). Results showed that pollen may be stored for long periods of time. If the storage is from 1 to 32 weeks, a temperature of -18 oC can guarantee successful germination rates of 80 to 90% (Bomben et al.,1999). On the other hand, If pollen is to be stored for more than a year then temperatures of -80 oC must be used to guarantee germination rates of more than 60% for 3 years (Bomben et al.,1999).
The fruit set in kiwifruit is mostly affected by its own flower biology. Being a dioecious species, whose female flower's pollen is unable to germinate and to carry gametes for fertilization, it is very important that the male flower's pollen is properly transported (Costa,1993).
The increasing of the pollination effectiveness transport starts with the organization of the orchards. The orchards are mostly trained on a pergola trellis, although some orchards can still be trained in T-bars, with the proportion of 1:6 male/female distribution (Ferguson et
al., 1999). In kiwi, main pollinator agents are wind and honey bees (Intoppa & Piazza, 1990) although it has been reported that some small insects might also aid pollination (PalmerJones & Clinch, 1974).
The last event limiting the EPP is the longevity of the ovules. Abnormalities in ovule formation and development are common (Tonutti et al., 1991) and they may happen during ovule formation or even after fertilization (Tonutti et al., 1991). Even when the ovule seems to be formed correctly, its short lifespan is often a limiting factor for fertilization that can be slowed by abiotic or endogenous factors (Postweiler et al., 1985).
In 2013, a study was conducted to better understand the EPP in Actinidia species. On this test, different flowers were hand pollinated from days one to six after its opening. The results showed that the seed number significantly decreased when the flower’s age was four
days old or higher and the highest number of seeds was registered at day 2 of pollination (Goodwin et al., 2013). Having this in mind, it's really important to notice that the anther dehiscence is not always in perfect coordination with the female flower EPP. Therefore, it’s
important that the pollen is adequately transported to the stigma during its prime. Another option to synchronize pollination with EPP is to collect male pollen and apply it on the female flower when the flowering stage is more appropriate (Razeto et al., 2005). Results showed that pollen may be stored for long periods of time. If the storage is from 1 to 32 weeks, a temperature of -18 oC can guarantee successful germination rates of 80 to 90% (Bomben et al.,1999). On the other hand, If pollen is to be stored for more than a year then temperatures of -80 oC must be used to guarantee germination rates of more than 60% for 3 years (Bomben et al.,1999).
The fruit set in kiwifruit is mostly affected by its own flower biology. Being a dioecious species, whose female flower's pollen is unable to germinate and to carry gametes for fertilization, it is very important that the male flower's pollen is properly transported (Costa,1993).
The increasing of the pollination effectiveness transport starts with the organization of the orchards. The orchards are mostly trained on a pergola trellis, although some orchards can still be trained in T-bars, with the proportion of 1:6 male/female distribution (Ferguson et
al., 1999). In kiwi, main pollinator agents are wind and honey bees (Intoppa & Piazza, 1990) although it has been reported that some small insects might also aid pollination (PalmerJones & Clinch, 1974).


In order to evaluate the relevance of the anemophilous pollination in this species experiments carried out involved enclosing orchards or vines in cages that excluded the possibility of being accessed by insects. In those cages, the pollination was exclusively made
by wind. The results showed that wind was inadequate for high production levels and most of the fruit set was small and did not have the necessary weight to be marketable (Costa et al.,
1993). These results clearly showed that insects have a central role on kiwi pollination and further fruit production (Gonzalez et al., 1998). Honey-bees (Apis mellifera) are the main pollinators in kiwifruit (Vaissiere et al., 1996). Although this species may face some problems that impair their pollination efficiency
As it is well known, kiwi shows a short flowering period, which for itself is already a threat for the fruit production and can difficult bee pollination. Moreover, in the Northern emisphere, the flowering period occurs often during heavy rain conditions, making difficult the activity of the insects (Vaissiere et al., 1991).
The orchard arrangement also affects bee pollination, as the distance from the male to the female flower can diminish the amount of pollen that the female flower receive. A study carried out by Goodwin et al. (1999) showed that the number of seeds decreased 2.3% per meter of distance between male and female plants. Besides, different hives also have unpredictable foraging efficiency, and it can be even more magnified by the kiwifruit incapacity to produce nectar. In experiments it was shown that honey-bees never attempted to lick moisture from the base of the petals or stigma; pollen transfer is only done by the
bee’s movements from male to female flowers (Goodwin et al., 2013).
1993). 這些結(jié)果清楚地表明,昆蟲(chóng)在獼猴桃授粉和進(jìn)一步的果實(shí)生產(chǎn)中起著核心作用(Gonzalez等人,1998)。蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)是獼猴桃的主要傳粉者(Vaissiere等人,1996)。盡管該物種可能面臨一些影響其授粉效率的問(wèn)題

As mentioned before the female flowers also produce pollen. Although it is unable to germinate, it is used as an attraction to the honeybees, since they are incapable to determine the nutritional value of the pollen they collect (Free, 1993). Previous studies, in which both
male and female flowers were presented on a tray, indicated a preference of the insects to pistillate flowers, leading to the conclusion that pistillate flowers pollen display a high level of attractiveness (Goodwin et al., 2013). This preference recorded on honey-bees in Hayward orchards can be a problem to the production, since it may affect the movement of honeybees between male and female flowers and pollination (Goodwin et al., 2013).
Another factor that has been proven to have great relevance to fruit weight is the number of visits to the female flower during the pollination. In 2013, Goodwin et al. designed an experiment to identify the relevance of honey-bees on kiwifruit pollination. To determinate,
the effect of honeybee’s visits, female flowers were marked and enclosed on pollen proof bags while being video recorded to register the number of visits and the time each visit took place (Goodwin et al., 2013). Results confirmed that the number of seeds is strongly related
to the number of bee visits. Flowers that received a single bee visit did not develop fruits or produced only a small fruit with an average of 51 seeds (Goodwin et al., 2013). On single visit cases, the flowers on which bee's visit took longer periods were the ones able to set a
fruit, the single bee visits recorded and able to produce a fruit had an average time of 38.8 s (Goodwin et al., 2013). The number of seeds per fruit increased, and therefore it's weight, increased up to five visits, concluding that the yield quality is strongly affected by an effective
pollination (Goodwin et al., 2013).
Natural pollination is affected by multiple factors. Non-coincident flowering period on male and female flowers, weather conditions at the flowering period, bee's foraging efficiency and orchard arrangement, can affect the pollination and therefore affect the quality of the fruit. Since honey-bees and wind cannot guarantee an effective and reliable pollination, only hand pollination can assure a maximal fruit size in each year (Costa et al., 1993). Hand pollination can be performed by rubbing a recently open staminate flower over the pistillate flower for a couple seconds, depending on the cultivar (Razeto et al., 2005). According to studies described by Sale in 1985 and Kulczewski in 1988, each male flower can pollinate about five female flowers, which will originate a larger fruit with a better overall quality than those set by bee pollination (Razeto et al., 2005). However, hand pollination is not without problems since it requires a great effort - around 100 hours per man are necessary to hand pollinate 1 ha of a mature kiwifruit orchard (Costa et al., 1993). Nowadays more effective methods are available such as kiwi pollinator machines (mechanical pollination) that allows
pollen gathering and dispersal in spite of their high costs (Razeto et al., 2005). In this type of pollination, a small duster provided with a mixture of pollen and the pollen extender lycopodium powder (1:1) is used. This type of pollination requires fewer hand work but provided somehow lower results than those obtained by hand-pollination (Razeto et al.,2005). The mixture dispersion to the air might present a reason why the mechanical pollination was not as efficient as hand-pollination.
In Japan, where artificial pollination is essential to produce a kiwifruit able to be marketable, a new strategy was created. Pollen was suspended in a mix of thickening agents and sugars, to decrease the expenses of the hives feed, and to provide a medium in which
pollen is not dispersed thru the air while pollinating (Yano et al., 2007). Studies aimed to identify new thickening agents to produce liquid pollen extender were made. With the idea to produce a liquid pollen extender that could be relatively cheap, new thickening agents were
tested. Between all the different thickening agents tested, agar, guar gam, xanthan gum and carrageenan displayed the best results (Yano et al., 2007). Among these thickening agents, carrageenan was the one which aroused more interest. Carrageenan are linear sulfated
polysaccharides that are extracted from red edible seaweeds (Imeson et al., 1997).
Carrageenan have a wide array of functional properties which include thickening, gelling and stabilization (Prajapati et al., 2016). They are used in various products such as pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, printing and textile formulation (Campo et al., 2009). Its hydrocolloids disperse in water to give a thickening or viscosity producing effect being this the prime reason for their overall use (Saha et al., 2010). For that reason, carrageenan might present itself as a good alternative as a thickening agent for new pollen extender formula.
Plant hormones play a key role in developmental processes such as fruit and seed maturation (Mohammad et al., 2014). They are a group of naturally occurring, organic substances which influence physiological processes at low concentrations (Davies, 2010).
Plant hormones are a unique set of compounds, with unique metabolism and properties that may be of interest for this study. Scientists have described hormones that play important roles in the fruit set. Although, some studies showed that exogenous hormones, when applied to the fruit itself did not produce the expected results (Hopping, 1979). Tests with the combination of hormones, done in kiwifruit, showed that both seed dry weight and fruit weight
were not affected by any treatment (Hopping, 1979).
With the aim of making the kiwifruit culture more profitable, this study revolved around understanding the floral biology of kiwifruit and producing a new liquid pollen extender Pollen collected from flowers in different stages was tested in order to establish a correlation between flowering stage and germination ratios. Since it had been proven to work, in coffee (Terzi et al., 1995) and in bananas (Alvard et al., 1993), pollen germination was tested on a liquid medium, and its germination ratio was compared with the solid medium ratio.
The main goals of this research were to characterize pollen germination in vitro and to identify how different compounds can affect pollen germination. These in vitro studies are crucial to develop new strategies that can be applied for artificial pollination and to increase
the efficiency of fertilization and fruit formation. Thus, we have tested the role of different growth regulators as well as different thickening agents on pollen germination. Assays of pollen germination following conservation were also carried out to verify which approaches
are more interesting for pollen conservation and further germination.



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