Zespri wants to buy into illicitly grown sungold kiwifruit 佳沛正在探討收購國內種植的陽光金果獼猴桃

mihoutao 2023 年 4 月 22 日18:24:35Zespri wants to buy into illicitly grown sungold kiwifruit 佳沛正在探討收購國內種植的陽光金果獼猴桃已關閉評論9,006 views閱讀模式

Zespri's contentious China deal rejected by regulator over IP leakage and China relationship concernsZespri在中國的爭議交易因知識產(chǎn)權泄露和中國關系問題被監(jiān)管機構駁回

zespri RubyRed

▲zespri RubyRed▲

Bringing it all back home - Zespri shares kiwifruit pointers with Chinese growers. This video was first published in 2018.


Yellow kiwi orchard

▲Yellow kiwi orchard

Zespri's contentious China deal was rejected by the industry regulator due to concerns intellectual property would "leak" into China, and the company’s relationship with its largest market could be damaged.


sungold g3 kiwifruit vine

▲sungold g3 kiwifruit vine

An independent assessment of the kiwifruit giant's China project – a trial of buying and branding counterfeit SunGold kiwifruit grown in China – also canvassed a “wider geo-political risk”, but further details have been redacted in documents obtained by Stuff.


sungold g3 kiwifruit vine

▲sungold g3 kiwifruit vine

China expert Anne-Marie Brady? says references to geo-political risk show China considers the proposal a political relationship, not a business relationship, risking the banning of exports if offence is caused.

中國專家安妮·瑪麗·布雷迪? 他說,提到地緣政治風險表明,中國認為這項提議是一種政治關系,而不是商業(yè)關系,如果違法行為發(fā)生,可能會被禁止出口。

New Zealand zespri Kiwifruit packaging

▲New Zealand zespri Kiwifruit packaging

However, Zespri remains convinced the trial won’t initially compromise its intellectual property (IP), and that its “upfront” approach has gained it support within the country.


New Zealand zespri redKiwifruit packaging

▲New Zealand zespri redKiwifruit packaging

Zespri wants to buy into illicitly grown sungold kiwifruit, a move which would be outside its legal mandate.




Zespri now expects that more than 4000ha of unlicensed SunGold kiwifruit, the equivalent of 10 million trays, is being grown in China on vines that were once stolen from the company – a threat to the company’s sizeable stake in the Chinese market.


zespri goldenkiwifruit

▲zespri goldenkiwifruit

The company hoped to partner with the growers, providing technology and skills to produce and sell some 1.95m trays of SunGold at its high standard, in a three-year trial.


zespri yellow kiwi

▲zespri yellow kiwi

But, after seeking sign off from industry regulator Kiwifruit New Zealand (KNZ), Zespri in January withdrew its proposal before KNZ could publish its findings and decline approval.


Kiwifruit packing box

▲Kiwifruit packing box

Documents obtained under the Official Information Act show KNZ and an independent review conducted by Sapere had deemed the proposal “more than low risk” to growers in three ways.




Former New Zealand ambassador to China John McKinnon? advised Sapere that relations with provincial Chinese government could be damaged when exiting the arrangement, an outcome that could be worse than not entering the trial.

新西蘭前駐華大使約翰·麥金農(nóng)? 薩佩雷表示,退出協(xié)議可能會損害與中國省政府的關系,這可能比不參與審判更糟糕。

Kiwi pollination

▲Kiwi pollination▲

“This worse outcome could occur if expectations were not well managed,” the report said.


Such a risk could be mitigated, however Zespri’s application did not describe how it would manage this “other than a general comment about a stakeholder and communication strategy”.


Kiwi pollen

▲Kiwi pollen▲

Some 4000ha of unlicensed SunGold kiwifruit is being grown in China, after the variety was stolen from Zespri. It’s broadly expected the illicit planting of SunGold will only expand.




While details of a “wider geo-political risk” mentioned in Zespri’s application were redacted, the report said the risk of “unpredictable government intervention and other geopolitical risks” would be much greater if the trial became a full-scale operation.




Brady, a professor at University of Canterbury, told Stuff: "What they're saying is that China is treating this all politically rather than as a business relationship ... so that's problematic.”

坎特伯雷大學(University of Canterbury)教授布雷迪(Brady)告訴《Stuff》:“他們的意思是,中國把這一切都視為政治關系,而不是商業(yè)關系……所以這是有問題的?!?/p>

zespri rubyred kiwifruit

▲zespri rubyred kiwifruit

"What they mean is the political risk of China banning New Zealand exports for some reason, that [Zespri] might be affected by it, but that ... their own decision to protect their interests could cause offence and make things worse for them and New Zealand.”


zespri yellow kiwi

▲zespri yellow kiwi

McKinnon also advised that IP leakage was a “medium to high” likelihood, and “a very common feature of direct investments in China”.


Rubyred kiwi orchard

▲Rubyred kiwi orchard

Former ambassador to China John McKinnon provided advise to an independent review of Zespri’s China proposal.

前駐華大使約翰·麥金農(nóng)(John McKinnon)為Zespri的中國提案的獨立審查提供了建議。

zespri yellow kiwi

▲zespri yellow kiwi

“The level of leakage would likely be initially low. However, by the end of the trial period the risk of a level of leakage [would be] materially higher than if the trial were not conducted,” Sapere wrote.


zespri sungold g3 kiwi

▲zespri sungold g3 kiwi

KNZ agreed with Sapere’s risk assessment, and said there was also a “more than low risk” to the reputation of New Zealand growers.

In a draft decision, KNZ said it “strongly” disagreed with Zespri that any food safety failures would not damage the reputation of New Zealand growers, as such “failures would be clearly linked to Chinese-grown fruit”.

“Not only is that an unrealistic assumption in terms of market perception, but KNZ believes that quality and especially food safety failures would directly affect the Zespri brand.”








Zespri, in its application, had assessed the risks to the trial as low. It said IP leakage would be low due to it signing confidentiality contracts with selected Chinese growers.

Professor Anne-Marie Brady says there is little regard for IP in China.

Brady said the legal system in China was politicised and foreign investors had difficulty protecting their rights.






"There are so many factors that will be outside their control. A formal agreement in China is not the same as a formal agreement in New Zealand, and if something does go wrong, the odds are stacked against you."

Zespri's chief grower and industry officer, Carol Ward?, said in a statement to Stuff that Zespri would not be sharing IP during the first year of the trial, instead monitoring selected orchards.

“We’ve also been very clear about the parameters of the trial ... That’s included being upfront about what it would take for the trial to succeed, including ... mitigating the spread of unauthorised plantings and being able to better protect our IP.

sungold g3 kiwifruit vine

▲sungold g3 kiwifruit vine


Zespri的首席種植者兼行業(yè)官卡羅爾·沃德?, 在一份聲明中說,Zespri在試驗的第一年不會共享IP,而是監(jiān)控選定的果園。


redkiwi growing zone

▲redkiwi growing zone

“We have also been well-supported in China, and local Chinese stakeholders have appreciated the pragmatic and constructive approach we have taken.”

Ward did not answer a question about whether Zespri accepted KNZ’s findings of “more than low” risk.

Sapere Research Group report into Zespri proposal by Stuff Newsroom on Scribd

The company would take the proposal to a vote of the industry’s growers in the middle of the year, in the hope of getting sign-off for the trial in time for the China sales season, starting in October.





Sapere研究小組在Scribd上對Stuff Newsroom提出的Zespri提案進行了報告




As Zespri has a state-sanctioned monopoly on marketing and export of New Zealand-grown kiwifruit, under law it needs sign-off from KNZ or a majority of kiwifruit growers to conduct business activities outside of New Zealand.

A contentious proposal
In late 2020 Zespri inked a “memorandum of intent” with a Sichuan-based state-owned enterprise to signal it would enter a commercial arrangement with growers of unlicensed SunGold in China.

Kiwifruit orchard

▲Kiwifruit orchard

The company aimed to provide its “world-leading” orchard, harvest and quality control techniques and technology that would lift the quality of the Chinese fruit, to sell under the Zespri brand.

Zespri has called it a “win-win” arrangement that was hoped to encourage a supportive Chinese government into enforcing the plant variety rights, or IP, over SunGold fruit, curbing the growth of counterfeit fruit.

Golden kiwifruit

▲Golden kiwifruit






zespri kiwifruit Import and export

▲zespri kiwifruit Import and export

With China’s growing season on the horizon and the volume of counterfeit fruit expected to grow, there was pressure to ink a deal – and pressure was being applied to KNZ to sign off on the proposal.

Stuff last week revealed Zespri chairman Bruce Cameron had allegedly tried to “browbeat” and intimidate industry KNZ into "rubber-stamping" the proposal.

Letter from KNZ chairwoman to Zespri chairman Bruce Cameron by Stuff Newsroom on Scribd

KNZ chairwoman Kristy McDonald??, QC, in a November letter obtained under the Official Information Act, alleged Cameron had personally threatened her amid “a series of threats, demands and accusations” in a Friday evening phone call.

Cameron totally rejected the characterisation of the phone call.


上周公布的消息顯示,Zespri主席布魯斯·卡梅隆(Bruce Cameron)據(jù)稱試圖“威嚇”和恐嚇KNZ行業(yè),使其對該提案“打橡皮圖章”。



KNZ主席致Zespri主席布魯斯·卡梅隆的信,由Scribd上的Stuff Newsroom撰寫

KNZ主席克里斯蒂·麥克唐納??, QC在11月根據(jù)《官方信息法》獲得的一封信中,指控卡梅倫在周五晚上的一個電話中“一系列威脅、要求和指控”親自威脅她。


Golden Kiwi seedlings

▲Golden Kiwi seedlings▲

Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor said there was always going to be tension between KNZ and Zespri, which was a “hard-nosed commercial operator".

Golden kiwifruit

▲Golden kiwifruit▲




