Kiwifruit contain allergens that can cause allergic responses in susceptible consumers. The response can include swelling and itching of the lips and tongue, swelling of the tongue and throat which can make breathing difficult, rashes, stomach pains and vomiting, itchy nose and eyes, or, at worst, anaphylactic shock requiring urgent medical attention. Fortunately, extreme allergic responses to kiwifruit are not frequent. Kiwifruit allergy is often cross-reactive with other common allergies such as to pollens, particularly birch pollen, latex, housedust mites, and some other tropical fruit. Actinidin, the most abundant protein in kiwifruit, has been postulated as a major cause of kiwifruit allergy but it is not known whether kiwifruit are the primary cause of the allergic reactions, or are secondary to exposure to other allergens.
▲sungold kiwifruit
▲Kiwi seedlings▲
▲Golden kiwifruit▲
▲Kiwi sapling▲
▲Kiwifruit planting▲
▲sungold kiwifruit
▲Kiwi orchard▲
